November 1, 2012, Thursday....back in June, Ray and I went to Fogartyville Community Arts and Media Center in Sarasota for a benefit concert by Kevin Welch, a Texas singer/songwriter.....introducing a song, Kevin spoke of his son, Dustin, back in Austin....he commented that Dustin was involved with a group called Soldier Songs and Voices.....this is a non-profit public charity....their mission is to provide free music lessons and songwriting workshops to veterans to assist them in healing by telling their own stories in song.....Ray spoke with Kevin at a break and obtained contact information for Dustin.....and now there is the first Florida Chapter of Welcome Home Project/Soldier Songs and Voices....Ray is the we received the FL Registration number which allows this Chapter to raise funds....part of the funds go for free acoustic guitars for any veteran participant who cannot afford their own guitar...also a case, picks, chord chart, tuner and extra strings.....Ray has musicians who volunteer their time and knowledge once a week at the Workshops....
He has been working 12 hours a day pulling in support for this Project and getting the word out....he has done a great job....and has been mentored from almost day one by a gentleman that has become a dear friend, Buddy.....Buddy has volunteered his time generously to the formation of this Chapter....he consulted with 501 (c) 3's most of his career.......we could not have come so far without Buddy's expertise and genuine interest in the Project..... 10/11/12 was the first meeting of the Sarasota/Manatee Chapter....There are 4 veteran participants....and Ray, Chuck, Jay, Bill are the musician/workshop far everyone is loving it......
Chuck working with Austin, a veteran participant.....Al, Rob, Scott are also in the wings and will take a turn at being a musician leader, at some point...the first guitar was donated by Bill, a musician/workshop leader and the second two were donated by Jay and Robin....Jay is one of the musician/workshop these fantastic people are volunteering their time and talents and they are so into it all they are donating their funds to the Project.....It is all good......
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